2 Mar 2006, 11:12pm

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The Beginning

Welcome. I will be sharing my thoughts and writings here; some of them will be older things dug up from time to time, and translated from paper and pencil scratchings, while most will be thoughts current to the time of their posting. I would like to share my mind not only as it pertains to art, but as to all manner of subjects and events that affect who I am, and what I do.

I am the sum of my thoughts and emotions, my concerns and beliefs; this is what I paint.

Note (November 2008): This is the second iteration of this blog, and it has been manually transferred from the original blog where many of the first posts were kept private.

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  • “Artists today think of everything they do as a work of art. It is important to forget about what you are doing - then a work of art may happen.”
    ~ Andrew Wyeth

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    ~ Buddha

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    Within your heart
    Keep one still, secret spot
    Where dreams may go,
    And, sheltered so,
    May thrive and grow
    Where doubt and fear are not.
    O keep a place apart,
    Within your heart,
    For little dreams to go!”

    ~ Louise Driscoll